Monday, August 29, 2011

Father Daughter Time

Once a month my father and I get together for a lunch date.  My dad and I started this monthly appointment after my parents moved to London.  In some was it was meant as a way to replace the lunches my dad used to have with friends before they moved.

I am usually responsible for finding the restaurant and any coupons while the two of us trade off paying the bill. We find this a great time to get away and talk about a multitude of topics.  I find my dad is more than willing to talk about something that is important to him.  It could be almost anything, but I try not to judge or make suggestions that what he's talking about doesn't matter.

These dates aren't all about my dad though.  It is a two way street and I discuss things that are happening in my life that I want him to listen to or want his opinion on. 

If I can make a suggestion it would be try this with someone important to you.  It strengths your relationship emensely.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Melting Moments

We all know that children can surprise us but there are a few moments that are absolute melt moments.  My daughter is adopted and doesn't necessarily look like either one of us.  She has the same bolour eyes as my dad and her strawberry blonde hair apparently like mine when I was younger.  One day I was colouring my hair and my daughter was watching closely.  When I was finished she looked at me and said "I want to colour my hair and eyes!|  When I asked her why she said "I want to look just like Mommy!"  As soon as she said this I gave her a huge hug and then had to explain why she was beautiful just as she was. 

Another big melt for me dealt with the whole innocence of childhood.  My parents have an adorable little dog that my daughter claims is hers.  On Victoria Day weekend while my parents were away another dog attacked their dog leaving a couple large gashes.  After my parents came home they visited and asked my daughter if she saw where the dog got hurt.  I gently told my parents that she had not been told what happened even though it was 10 days earlier.  After the adults in the room explained what happened my daughter went to the fridge to get her boo boo dog to put on the cuts.  She then said to my mom that the mean dog's mommy should make the mean dog say sorry to their dog so they can be friend.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Pet Names/Nick Names Part II

So to continue on with last week's post.  This time I'm going to talk about the male side of nicknames in my experience.

Almost 14 years ago I met a guy who I eventually married.  One thing I found cute about this person was that he'd often refer to his feelings by colour.  It took me a while to figure out, but eventually I learned that beige meant okay.  I was so taken with this and several of his other cuteness points that I started calling him Smurf.  He's never regally objected, but if he thinks he's done something worthy of being called Smurf, he'll remind me.  Of course my observations are based on the original Smurfs from when I was a preteen not the new ones that my daughter is getting introduced to. 

Again my husband, like my dad doesn't have a pet name for me.  We've tried several over the passed several years but nothing seems to fit. 

As for my little girl I do have a nickname for her and so does my husband.  My nickname for her is based on her first name and the start of her middle name while my husbands has to do with the fact she is Daddy's Princess.  She seems to like them, but time will tell and I suspect they will change as she gets older.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Pet Names/Nick Names

As I mentioned in my introductory post the name MomMom is from my daughter. She uses it when she is trying to be extra loving or trying to work something out using four year old logic.  I don't know where she cam up with it, but I hope it will stick for while yet.

I find it interesting that my daughter has a special name for me and I have a special name for my mom. The origins of my mom's nickname of MiniMom has to do with the fact that she is shorter than I am and I was a typical teenager.  One day when the two of us were in the kitchen and I saw MINIMUM on the stove when I went to give my mom a hug.  I tried out my new version of MiniMom and it stuck to the point I still use it today.

Until I went away to school I only used MiniMom with family, definitely not in public.   I remember a friend of mine at school questioning me about it after my parents when home one weekend.  I explained it was my pet name for her and have used it for a number of years.  Of course the next time I talked to my mom I asked her when I had used it, but she couldn't recall.  She told me not to worry about it as it was just another way of saying I love you.  It was kind of fun though because after that my friends started calling her MiniMom instead of Lee-Ann's Mom.

These name seem to be a two way street.  MiniMom has called me Skees as long as I can remember.  I have started to incorporate this into my online identities. I've tried a few nicknames on for my daughter and  there is one that is a combination of her first name plus middle name that appears to be working for now.

Look for part two of this post in two weeks when I share the male side of nicknames in my family.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What Is MomMom's Daily 15?

Hi Everyone!  My name is Lee-Ann and I am a stay at home mother of a beautiful little girl.  I am married and like most children my daughter has my husband wrapped around her little finger. 

MomMom's Daily 15 is a weekly blog about those quality moments you spend each day doing something special (even though minor) with those that mean the most to you. There will be suggestions for connecting with your children, significant other, family and friends. We're always hearing that it isn't the amount of time you spend doing special activities with these people but rather the quality of that time. I take this to mean that you need to be really engaged in connecting with the person you are spending the time with. Some of the things I write about will be a mere 5 minutes in length, while others could cover more than one day.  So come join me as I take this journey and add some side notes along the way.

The name MomMom is what my 4 year old daughter calls me when we are doing something special. I find it really cute and decided to use it in my blog title to honour her creativity.  More about this in an upcoming post on pet names.