Once a month my father and I get together for a lunch date. My dad and I started this monthly appointment after my parents moved to London. In some was it was meant as a way to replace the lunches my dad used to have with friends before they moved.
I am usually responsible for finding the restaurant and any coupons while the two of us trade off paying the bill. We find this a great time to get away and talk about a multitude of topics. I find my dad is more than willing to talk about something that is important to him. It could be almost anything, but I try not to judge or make suggestions that what he's talking about doesn't matter.
These dates aren't all about my dad though. It is a two way street and I discuss things that are happening in my life that I want him to listen to or want his opinion on.
If I can make a suggestion it would be try this with someone important to you. It strengths your relationship emensely.
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