When was the last time you and your other half had a date? This doesn't have to mean that you went out without your children, but rather just that you've spent some quality time together without your children being the focus of that time.
This can take many forms and my husband and I have tried several of them. Regardless of whether it is a night without the kids that you blow the bank on or a quiet inexpensive night after the little ones go to bed is up to you. The goal is to spend time together reconnecting with each other without your children present.
My husband and I recently had a night off while our daughter was with my parents. We had a guideline of dinner on a patio somewhere with a drink and maybe dessert. We headed to a wonderful restaurant the other side of the city and were the first couple to be seated on the patio. Because of the style of the restaurant we had plenty of time to discuss a number of things including future plans without interruptions. We were there for an hour and a half that was very relaxing and not something our four-year old would have tolerated. This isn't what we do every time our daughter gets a sleepover but it is worth it once in awhile.
In some recent discussions there has been mention of restaurants banning children and after this dinner I don't mind if higher end restaurants are child free.
BTW Dinner was fantastic, the staff very friendly and worth the visit to Mein Streeet.
I have not been to mein street yet. I will have to go soon.