Friday, September 16, 2011

Date Night Part 2

So last week I wrote about the importance of date night and a dinner on the town.  This week I'm going to talk about those inexpensive or free options.  There is a lot of opportunity to connect with your significant other without having to break the bank. 

Believe it or not you probably take 15 minutes out of you day to connect without realizing it.  This is usually the time the two of you spend together in the morning before getting out of bed or those precious few minutes you have after the children are safely tucked in.  I don't consider these to be date night opportunities but they are extremely important to your family.

For us these date nights happen about once every couple of weeks and usually after our daughter goes to bed.  Sometimes we watch a movie together on the couch with all the movie snacks and our gadgets turned off.  Other times it is just coffee on the front porch or doing something that requires both our input on the computer like selecting the pictures for the respective mother's annual calendar. 

During these date nights things are very relaxed and therefore we find it easy to talk about pretty much everything.  It is surprising how quickly the night passes and we've managed to accomplsh something while having a great time together.

Tell me what do you do for date night?

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