Friday, December 23, 2011

Little Things Add Up

My daughter gets enough candy as it is so I did not see the need for a candy filled Advent Calendar. Last year I purchased the beige and red Advent Cottage at Loblaws that allows me to fill each day  This year we're doing an alternating day mix of books and other stuff which doesn't fit in the little doors.  Instead each morning my daughter opens the requisite door to find a clue then heads off to find the prize that "Santa" left.

That's correct I said Santa.  My four year old firmly believes that Mr. Claus is playing a fun game with her leading up to his big visit on Christmas Eve and I don't feel like dissuading her since she's only going to believe for such a short time.

My only challenge with this project is that my daughter is waking up almost an hour earlier each morning to get the next prize and that means I'm up earlier as well.  This is workable because of her enthusiasm and the fact this is something special we share before my husband wakes up.

And with that I want to wish everyone reading a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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