Friday, December 30, 2011


We all have important stuff from our childhood and even though I try to keep clutter to a minimum I have some including my baby book.  This doesn't mean that I'll keep every craft my daughter makes or every card she receives by rather some key important things including her hospital bracelets.  Several of these items are kept in a beautiful wooden box my husband made for my daughter last year.  She keeps the box in her bedroom and often asks to look at the items in it.  The contents in this box all have a story to them, however every so often I clean out the box removing somethings.  In particular what I am looking for items that are going to have meaning in a year, 10 or even 20 years from now. Luckily the important school things will be maintained in a book and will tell it's own story.  For my daughter some of the items we've kept deal with her adoption so they are needed to tell the whole story and luckily we have this information.  It is funny that she has a teddy bear from the hospital where she was born, even though they no longer deliver children, as well as a note from the photographer who took her picture during her first few ours adding her encouragement to our adoption story.  We also have the dress and some jewellery aptly named court clothes because this is what she wore to the court house on the day her adoption was finalized.  I'm not trying raise a pack rat, but rather a person who understands the value of things that can tell a story.

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