Saturday, February 25, 2012

Four and Frugal

My little girl is four and has been shopping with me since birth.  Apparently she's picked up some of my habits and is starting to incorporate them into her shopping.  For starters she knows not to go grocery shopping without a list and I will buy certain things if they are on sale or if I have a coupon. 

The other day my daughter was at the Toy Grocery Store and asked if she could use her money to buy a new toy.  I said if there was something she really wanted and it was within her $10 budget.  At the Toy Grocery Store it is easy to see what is on sale because they use bright yellow stickers.  My daughter looked at items on sale and could not find anything she wanted.  We then headed to clothing department where she found a cute top.  Her first question was whether it was on sale and they could she buy it.  Since this wa clothes I told her I'd buy it letting her keep her allowance.

When I related the story to my husband later that day he was surprised that our daughter would know when something was on sale and that she didn't spend her money. He was the one that suggested this post.

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