Sunday, July 29, 2012

#50BookPledge Book 38 Drop Dead Healthy

Drop Dead Healthy by A.J. Jacobs from Simon and Schuster 2012

What can I tell you about this book or AJ Jacobs well a fair bit. I found Drop Dead Healthy to be a very well written book that was easy to read and provided a new perspective on the myriad of health information we are bombarded with from media sources.

When you read Jacob's book you'll find a lot of what e is talking about is based on common sense but at the same time he is realistic.  Jacobs reiterates numerous times throughout Drop Dead Healthy that the science supporting a number of healthy living steps is inconclusive at best and sometimes in conflict with studies on another part of the body or diseases.

I liked that AJ was honest through the 27 chapters and brought the book full circle with the Epilogue. He doesn't try to convert you to his "temporary" style of living not does he say he is going to keep it all up, but rather highlights what works best for him.  Jacobs ultimate message it that we all can live a healthier life but a longer life because life happens.

I found Drop Dead Healthy informative and have added it to my husband's growing pile of books.  Definitely worth the read for me and it has given me some inspiration.

Friday, July 27, 2012

#50BookPledge Lone Wolf

The Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult from Emily Bestler Books 2012

I feel frustrated having read this novel! The Lone Wolf was lent to me by a friend that often times has similar reading preferences so there was an immediate expectation that I would like it, but sadly it wasn't the case.

I like Picoult's method of story telling where each of the main characters has their own chapters to state their side of things while still moving the story forward. This was generally the case in the Lone Wolf, in fact I found Luke's chapters unnecessary.  While I understand the need to develop strong characters I fond Lone Wolf progress too slow for my liking and I lost interest in it.

So a bit more forward movement by Picoult or more back story is my preference.  As a result I give Lone Wolf 3 out of 5 starts.