Friday, June 15, 2012

#50BookPledge Book 35 French Kids Eat Everything

French Kids Eat Everything (and yours can too) by Karen Le Billon from Harper Collins 2012

I'm always looking for ways to get Miss R to eat better, even though most of my friends and the family doctor don't think she's picky.  By reading Karen's book I've discovered that Miss R maybe isn't much different then most of her peers, but that doesn't mean things can't change. 

French Kids Eat Everything presents things in such a way that it is easy to see where the two cultures, North American and French, are different when it comes to approaches to food.  I read the book and started to implement some of the suggestions immediately.  It was a huge surprise to mean just how well using fixed times for snacks works. 

The thing that really got my attention in this book was Chapter 9 when the family returns to Vancouver from France only to find out that the French method of eating may not work in all situations and adaption will be required to fit into your unique circumstances. 

I have marked the last chapter of for my husband to read because it summarizes the rules and hope to try some of the recipes very soon.  I also plan on posting my version of the rules somewhere near my kitchen to remind me what I'm trying to accomplish for the entire family.

Hopefully Karen's book is read by the right people to make changes in our school systems so our children don't continue to rush through their lunches just so they can be hungry a couple hours later.

Thank you Karen for showing me that I can get my child to eat better/more without driving myself crazy.

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