Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Week Lunches

Well I haven't done horrible for the first week of school lunches but it hasn't been perfect yet.  The good news is she hasn't left anything uneaten yet, the bad news is we've had some leaks.

On Wednesday when I picked Miss R up I noticed that her cooler was wet.  When I asked her if she knew what/how she didn't have an answer! As I unpacked the cooler I discovered her chocolate milk leaked. The culprit, a water bottle that wasn't closed properly.  Cleaned everything out and rinsed out cooler but it needs a good scrubbing so went to emergency cooler for Thursday. I also decided since the cooler was empty to find out if she had enough food. She told me that she did/but didn''t. She was fine for first break and lunch, but not for second break.  It then decided to give some extra on Thursday.

I worked on Wednesday night to make some rice pudding and after some challenges with it.  It eventually thickened and I was able to send it with Miss R.  Well that didn't work as planned.  She opened the rice pudding first break then decided to eat the easier food of applesauce and raspberries. The problem was she didn't close the lid properly so when she opened her cooler again at lunch the rice pudding had spilled all over. Thankfully someone at school helped her clean it up and I got a soggy wet napkin home. Good news is Miss r had enough to eat and even brought home a small piece of hot dog.

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