Sunday, January 15, 2012

#50BookPledge Book 4 No Cry Picky Eater

The No Cry Picky Eater Solution by Elizabeth Pantley from McGraw Hill Ryerson, 2012

I admit I am one of those parents who, prior to reading this book, considered daughter to be a picky eater. Of particular concern to me is the lack of meat her diet and the overall volume of food she does or rather doesn't consume.

I have read Ms. Pantley's books in the past and used her methods with other challenges with great success. The same is true of the No Cry Picky Eater Solution which starts off telling you that what you consider to be picky eating is probably normal and your child will outgrow it before they are 8.

There were a ton of practical suggestions in the book to cover all kinds of families and situations. The biggest thing for me was getting a handle on appropriate portion sizes. There is a handy chart I hope to post somewhere in my kitchen as a reminder so I'm not surprised when my daughter only eats a quarter of a hamburger.

Another really helpful suggestion for our house was to wait 15 minutes between finishing the first helping of food or presenting dessert to give your child a chance to learn their own hunger/full cues.

As with all the other No Cry Solution books The No Cry Picky Eater Solution reminds the parent to step back and make the dinner table a friendly place to be not a battleground. I really enjoyed this book and am already seeing results with my intrepid child.

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